Harmony ---
In the third class session I presented the time-keeping aspects of music, rhythm, and the components that make up rhythm -- beat, meter and tempo. In that session I didn't talk about melody, another one of the primary elements of music. However, on Monday I'll begin with
melody and continue on to the subject of harmony. As we do we’ll cover more terms. Those terms include:
1. Harmony
2. Chords
3. Major and minor
4. Consonance and dissonance
5. Cadence
6. Texture
When you hear two sounds (pitches) at the same time, it is called
harmony. When a couple of crickets of different sizes are “doing their thing” at the same time you hear harmony. It may not be the best harmony but it is, no less, harmony. In fact, when the harmony sounds stable or pleasing to our ears it is called
consonant. When the sounds tend to be harsh or clash it is called